4 Signs She Is Not Interested In You After You Confessed

Lorraine Villorejo
3 min readJul 12, 2022


You finally did it. You told her you liked her. The weight has now been lifted, the hurdle cleared. And now the ball is in her court.

The moment you confess your feelings to her is both relieving and nerve-wracking at the same time.

No immediate response? A nervous look? That’s okay. She probably isn’t ready and she needs time to process her feelings.

“That’s so sweet, but I’ll need time to think about what you just said.”

You give her time and space to think about it — so much time in fact that it’s been days. and still no clear sign or answer. And the more you see her or hang out with her, the more it drives you crazy waiting.

If she still hasn’t given you a clear answer yet then that could probably mean she’s rejected you — she just doesn’t know how to tell you to your face. But to be completely sure she is NOT interested in you, here are a few other signs:

She Avoids Confrontation

If she makes an effort to avoid running into you, that would be a strong hint that she didn’t approve of your confession.

Some girls do this because they don’t want to hurt the guy’s feelings and they don’t like that kind of awkward confrontation.

She may still like hanging out with you but in terms of relationships, she doesn’t want to give you any false hope.

She also could be avoiding you because she doesn’t have the right words to say or reply to you. But avoidance is a rather clear sign that she doesn’t want this kind of drama in her life.

She Gives You the Runaround Answer

When she does give you an answer, her answers are unclear or left in the open.

Deep inside, she doesn’t want to let you go as a friend, but she can’t reciprocate your feelings either. She still wants you around although you can never be together romantically.

Unfortunately, she isn’t being totally honest. She’s leaving things open to interpretation, keeping you hanging on to her with false hope. She may not be aware of it, but she is being manipulative.

She is interested in what you can do for her but she is not interested in you.

She Doesn’t Let You Meet Her Friends

If you haven’t yet met her friends or been introduced to them then you can directly agree that she does not see you as someone she’ll want in her life.

Friends are supposed to be someone we can talk to for help or talk about a mutual interest. A girl’s friends are her personal circle, she shares secrets with them about guys she likes or comes to them for advice.

When she doesn’t let you in her circle, it means that she had no intention of being close or intimate with you from the start.

She Completely Erased You From Her Life

Lastly, there are rare times when she stops talking to you and shuts you out altogether. She may even block you on social media.

This type of response is full-on avoidance. For whatever reason, she has not taken your confession well and would rather not see you again instead of offering a reply or closure.

Take the Hint and Close This Chapter

In men’s and women’s relationships, confessing in the friendship stage can lead to complicated feelings. Not everyone is mature enough to give you a straight answer, especially if the answer is they are not interested.

But YOU can be mature enough to set things right. If you feel that your relationship is compromised or that she doesn’t know how to tell you “no,” then make the first move and get closure, whatever result that may bring.

But being able to notice and read the signs ahead, can allow you to clear your mind of any false hope.

And by being honest, you become a better person whether you know it or not — the kind of person a better woman will say yes to.



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