The Benefits of Being Sensitive to Your Partner
In words and actions…
Are you a partner who stops and thinks twice before doing something for or saying something to your other half?
If you are, I have good news for you.
Being sensitive enough to be two steps ahead in considering your partner’s feelings in every aspect of your relationship — may it be in decision-making, making jokes, or making a seemingly harmless statement — makes magic.
Not the superficial magic you’re thinking of, but a kind of magic that helps you foster the existing bond you have with your partner and even more.
Let me enumerate some benefits of being sensitive toward your significant other for you.
You will make them feel validated.
Acknowledging and being sensitive towards your partner’s reactions to certain things, especially those that trigger their sore spots or even cause them anxiety will help them to feel seen, heard, and, most of all, validated.
By being mindful and considerate, your partner will feel that their emotions matter to you. It can sometimes take effort, but being sensitive and not accusing them of overreacting can go a long way.
You will create a safe haven in your relationship.
When you acknowledge your partner’s feelings and take them into account every time you speak, make a decision, and act, you create a safe haven for them that will make them feel assured and secure in any way.
It’s just like building a home using only good-quality materials. It will be sturdy enough to house you as a couple and your thriving relationship. It’s a relationship that is open to free expression of feelings, may it be good or bad, which establishes a healthy space and even healthier connection between the two of you.
You will nurture a harmonious relationship.
I feel like this is already a given, but it’s still worth mentioning. Demonstrating sensitivity towards your partner improves your communication, which means that you will be able to handle potential conflicts more efficiently.
Being able to be vulnerable around each other is one of the greatest feelings out there. It’s equal to knowing that someone is going to be there for you no matter what.
Being sensitive pays. You will reap what you sow.
Being patient and taking the time and effort to create a safe environment out of your relationship is going to lessen whatever emotional baggage you and your partner may have. It might even resolve them entirely.
Kindness and sensitivity pays off. It’s not just the ease with which you and your partner can relate to each other, it’s also in the joy and relaxation you get out of your relationship. A healthy, happy relationship contributes to your overall sense of well-being.
Every person has a different level of sensitivity.
Your words and deeds matter. What could mean nothing to you could mean everything to your partner.
Which is why it’s important to get to know your partner, paying attention to the way they respond and react to certain situations. Couples should feel that it’s their responsibility to help each other feel secure enough to be themselves in their relationship.