Hurt People Hurt People: Is Revenge the Cure for a Broken Heart?

Lorraine Villorejo
3 min readJan 23, 2023


Have you been hurt by someone and, in turn, found yourself hurting others? Or have you been on the receiving end of someone else’s hurt and wondered why they acted the way they did?

It’s easy to seek revenge when you’ve been hurt. The pain and anger can be overwhelming, and the thought of getting even with the person who caused it can be tempting.

But the truth is, revenge is not a cure for a broken heart. It can often make things worse and prolong the healing process. In fact, here is what seeking revenge can do to you:

You will be filled with anger and hate.

Revenge is a tricky business. It’s an easy thing to do and it serves as instant gratification, but if you’re not careful, it can quickly turn into a long-term burden that will affect your well-being.

It can consume your mind. It’s like an infliction that takes over your body and mind until there is nothing else left to think about — other than how to get back at someone who has hurt you.

It’s an easy way, but it’s not the best way.

Revenge is easy, yes. But does it make things better? Definitely not.

It is like an addictive drug that makes you feel good while you’re doing it but leaves you empty when it’s over.

While it’s a very tempting emotion and seems like it’s an appropriate response, it can slowly destroy you.

This is because when you let your desire for revenge rule your life, it becomes an obsession and takes over your world. As a result, it stops you from seeing things as they really are.

It will affect your relationships.

When you do something to get back at someone, the people around you won’t forget what happened and they may be more reluctant to trust you the next time around.

Also, when you’re consumed by revenge, you won’t care about the people around you. You won’t care what happens to them, so if they get in your way, they become collateral damage.

In the end, it will only make you lose the people in your life.

Revenge is not worth it.

The bottom line is, revenge is not the cure for a broken heart. In fact, it could make you suffer more than you already are.

While you can’t change the past, you can change the future.

Don’t act on your first impulses. Take the time to think things over and once you’ve cooled off, talk about what happened with the person involved.

Also, don’t air your dirty laundry in public where others can join in and make things worse for you. If the person really did wrong you, explain how they did so in a calm way that invites a dialogue instead of an argument.

More importantly, if you want true peace of mind, let go of grudges and focus on finding new ways to heal yourself from past wounds instead of inflicting new ones on others.



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