Is She Hard to Get Or Genuinely Uninterested?

Lorraine Villorejo
3 min readJul 18, 2022


There’s this girl you are interested in, but you aren’t really sure whether she’s playing hard to get or she just isn’t into you.

She’s giving you these mixed signals and you can’t help but be all the more confused with every “hint” you get.

Does she like you? Does she like you not?

As a woman, I can say with certainty that we can be confusing and complex at times. We play hard to get at times in order to get a guy to chase after us.

Mind games are like child’s play to us. We can easily lead a person on to a dead end and pretend nothing happened afterward.

Some women like to play hard to get in order to test their suitors. They need to know how serious you are about them.

You know she’s playing hard to get when:

1. She leaves small hints.

Have you ever heard of Breadcrumbing?

It’s a modern dating behavior where you’re being given small hints to lead you and make you feel like there is something in between you two.

Some women like to use this tactic to make them feel wanted. They also do it in order to gauge how far a man is willing to go for them.

2. She makes you feel her presence.

Whenever you’re in the room, she makes sure that you know she’s around as well. She discretely glances at you once in a while.

You can basically feel the eyes poking at your back when she’s around.

3. She doesn’t respond to your texts right away.

Have you ever tried texting or chatting with a woman who seemingly always responds a few minutes late?

There’s a possibility that this was intentional.

Women don’t like it when they’re seen as someone who is always available. As a solution, they prolong their responses.

This helps them look less eager but still interested in the conversation.

When a Woman is NOT interested:

1. She responds curtly

You try to keep the conversation going, but she just keeps shutting down every attempt you make. I’m sorry to say this buddy — but she clearly isn’t interested in you.

2. She turns down any of your offers

Even before you have given her a date and time for your date, she tells you she’s busy. In a woman’s world, this would clearly mean “I don’t have time for you and I never will.”

3. She doesn’t respond to your texts at all

Leaving people to read is a woman’s way of saying “I don’t care about you and I don’t have time for you. That, or she won’t bother opening your messages. She might even block you.

4. She ignores you when your paths cross

We’ve all had the awkward experience of crossing paths with someone who we have a complicated relationship with.

So what’s a woman to do to make it feel less awkward? Avoid eye contact and pretend like they don’t exist.

So if she’s ignoring you, then she’s clearly not interested in you at all.

At the end of the day, you need to talk it out if you really want answers. Don’t corner her, but don’t beat around the bush either.

If she is worth the pursuit, you need to put yourself forward. As they say, honesty is the best policy. And when both of you are honest, you don’t get much clearer than that.

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