Should Men Always Be the Initiators?

Lorraine Villorejo
2 min readApr 26, 2023


a man hugging a woman
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

Women of Reddit: What is one thing about being a man you think you couldn’t deal with if you were one?

This question was posed on Reddit and received a variety of responses, one of which caught my attention.

If I were a man, I don’t think I would be able to handle the pressure of having to be the initiator of all romantic interests.

Most women don’t realize how intimidating it is for a man to approach them and, yes, SOME men can be vulgar and inappropriate when trying to talk to a woman, but the rest are just trying to muster up the courage and put their heart on the line — I really feel for them.

Although we may all have different perspectives on this, I can’t help but agree with her.

Men have always been the initiators.

Men have always been regarded as hunters since time immemorial. They were told that they had to approach women first or else nothing would happen.

This is due to the social construct that has been influenced by cultural norms and gender roles. Men should be assertive and dominant in society, especially when it comes to romantic relationships. This is the longstanding rationale why they should approach women first.

Is it harmful?

Honestly, yes it is.

First off, this reinforced standard puts pressure on men to always approach women first. Despite their anxiety and fear of rejection, they will nevertheless carry out the task because they’re pressured to do so.

But some might say, They do, however, have the option to challenge the status quo.

Indeed they have. Everyone has that option. However, the question is, does it not have consequences?

If a man hesitates to approach a woman, isn’t he called coward and other derogatory names?

Another point. This belief also limits opportunities, especially for women.

Let’s put it this way. If men must make the first move, what will happen to those women who want to approach men first? Should they be passive merely because society expects them to be?

Hello, this is not Ancient History. We’re in the Modern Age where anyone can approach anyone they want without worrying about being judged.

Let’s stop perpetuating unfair roles.

We all know how destructive and unfair gender roles are, particularly in relationships. It does nothing but promote gender inequality.

So instead of making things worse than they are, let’s keep an open mind and work to promote more egalitarian and respectful attitudes toward everyone involved.



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