The Pandemic is Over: Get Out, Reconnect, and Meet Someone
It’s late 2022 and economies are beginning to reopen. Governments are no longer pushing for lockdowns unless needed.
In the US, no states are making masks mandatory except in high-risk settings.
In December 2019, Covid (then called SARS-CoV-2) was first identified in Wuhan, China, and began spreading to other countries. When it was discovered that the virus had the potential to become a pandemic, every government resorted to lockdowns to contain the spread.
These restrictions and lockdowns began worldwide in 2020. By April of that year, about half of the world’s population was unable to leave their homes unless necessary. Contact tracing was put in place and national hygiene policies were implemented.
Many people lost their jobs and businesses if they were deemed “unessential.” Physically meeting people had to be done with social distancing measures in play. But since the middle of 2021, lockdowns have been eased and life for the most part is back to normal in 2022.
How the pandemic has affected relationships
Working from and staying at home has weakened human relationships in general. Many Americans claim Covid-19 has negatively affected everything. Personal relationships, free time, physical and mental health, work, and finances have more or less declined.
During the height of the lockdowns, many Americans expressed how much the pandemic had affected their ability to engage with other people. Most lost touch with friends, family, and lovers that they used to see in person. People online have also expressed feelings of being alone and having their relationships strained.
There were some silver linings like having more time to spend with family members and not having to fulfill social obligations. However, most middle-aged to elderly people had difficulty coping with the new ways of life under lockdown.
Concerning dating, some surveys reported that as little as 9% of interviewees expressed they dated at all during the pandemic and 84% of those interviewees who did date said that the pandemic made the experience difficult. Dating overall had taken a big hit.
It’s time to get out there!
Unless you are advised by your doctor to not go outside, it’s time to start meeting people.
The pains of locking down entire cities and isolating people from others have injured us more than the medical benefits it provided. Preventing certain individuals from going outside and mandatory use of facemasks for some individuals may have been more effective than governments instituting nationwide policies that crippled societies worldwide.
So if you’re still unsure that physical dating is right for you going forward while we’re recovering from a pandemic, then know that the psychological harms of loneliness and depression are just as painful.
You don’t need to meet someone face-to-face to introduce yourself. You can use the internet and meet people online. What’s better is that you can meet more of them online than you could at your local pub.
The benefit of connecting with someone online is that it allows you to be selective. There is a good chance of finding someone that has the same health perspectives from the safety of your computer. If you choose to go on a date later, then how it will be done will be agreed upon by both you and your date.
So why not leverage the internet and meet someone new today?