Is Love Enough for a Relationship to Last?

Yes, if…

Lorraine Villorejo
3 min readNov 16, 2023


a couple making a heart sign
Photo Trần Long by on Pexels

Is love enough to sustain a relationship and make it last?

I’ve been encountering this question a lot lately. It has piqued my curiosity, and now I feel like trying to analyze and answer it.

Love is often considered the fundamental building block of a successful and long-lasting relationship. It’s an emotional connection that brings two individuals together.

But can love alone keep a relationship going?

I don’t think so, but there’s a good chance to say, Yes, if…

There’s commitment.

Commitment serves as the force that strengthens a relationship, keeping partners together through the inevitable highs and lows.

If couples are committed, they support each other through challenges, rather than abandon the relationship at the first problem.

Love alone can’t be expected to withstand challenges. To make a relationship last, there must be deep and sincere commitment.

It’s accompanied by actions.

I know this will sound cliché, but actions do speak louder than words, especially when it comes to love and romantic relationships. No one can deny that actions help to hold a relationship together.

This is because actions solidify every word and promise of love made — without them, love is meaningless. The same can be said for actions without love. The two should coexist together for love to make sense.

While words of love and affection pose such relevance in a relationship, actions show that love is not merely a fleeting emotion but a genuine commitment to the well-being and happiness of one another.

There is trust.

Trust is the bedrock of any relationship and so a relationship can’t bear fruit and thrive without it.

It allows vulnerability and fosters a sense of security and stability within the relationship. This creates a solid foundation for love to flourish. In simple terms, trust means having faith in each other’s words and actions.

It gives meaning to love and the relationship itself. Love can’t be nurtured without trust. Without trust, even the strongest love can crumble under the weight of doubt and suspicion.

It’s communicated and given space to be understood.

When I say effective communication, I mean that the couple makes sure their relationship is a safe space for them to express themselves to each other. They should be willing and able to listen to each other.

The couple should also be willing to find a common ground whenever necessary. Love should motivate the couple to have a deeper understanding of one another.

Love without communication and understanding, without even the willingness to compromise, will eventually deteriorate under the weight of unresolved issues.

And definitely no, if…

It exists without the above.

Without commitment, trust, actions, communication, and understanding, love can’t withstand the test of time. I mean, sure, love alone may ignite the flame, but it is these other factors that keep it burning bright.

While love is undoubtedly an important element of a lasting relationship, it is not the sole determinant of its success. The factors I mentioned are equally important in determining whether a relationship will last. They also keep the dynamics between the couple healthy, which is vital for the times when life together feels like it’s stuck in a rut.

So, let me ask you again, is love enough for a relationship to last?

The answer is clear.

It isn’t.

However, love is an indispensable cornerstone, providing the essential groundwork upon which other crucial factors can be cultivated.

It is the catalyst that, when combined with these additional elements, contributes to the development of a resilient and enduring connection between partners in a relationship.



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